Interconnection of AC power systems requires synchronous generators to operate in parallel with each other. In generating stations, two or more generators are connected in parallel. The alternators are located at different locations forming a grid-connected system.
Alternators are always connected in parallel to increase the power delivered. Alternators connected in series will only increase output voltage but the current delivering capacity of alternators connected in series should be the same hence will not be able to cater to large loads.
Alternators are operated in parallel for the following reasons:
- Several alternators can supply a bigger load than a single alternator.
- One or more alternators may shut down during the period of light loads. Thus, the remaining alternator operates at near or full load with greater efficiency.
- When one machine is taken out of service for its scheduled maintenance and inspection, the remaining machines maintain the continuity of the supply.
- If there is a breakdown of the generator, there is no interruption of the power supply.
- A number of machines can be added without disturbing the initial installation according to the requirement to fulfill the increasing future demand of the load.
- Parallel operation of the alternator reduces the operating cost and the cost of energy generation.
- It ensures greater security of supply and enables overall economic generation.
The parallel operation of alternators ensures greater security of supply and enables overall economic generation.