A single phase line delivers power at 11 kV at a distance of 15 km. first at lagging power factor and then at the same leading power factor. The efficiency of the transmission line will be

1. more at leading pf
2. less at lagging pf
3. same at leading and lagging pf
4. more at lagging pf and less at leading pf

Answer:  1. more at leading pf

  • The efficiency of a transmission line is determined by the ratio of power transmitted to the power supplied to the line. This ratio is known as the transmission line's power factor.
  • When a transmission line operates at a lagging power factor, the voltage and current are out of phase, and the line consumes more power than it transmits. This results in a lower efficiency for the line.
  • On the other hand, when a transmission line operates at a leading power factor, the voltage and current are in phase, and the line transmits more power than it consumes. This results in a higher efficiency for the line.
  • Therefore, if a single-phase line delivers power at 11 kV at a distance of 15 km, the efficiency of the line will be higher when it operates at a leading power factor compared to when it operates at a lagging power factor.

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