Differences Between Surge Arrester and Lightning Arrester

What is Lightning arrester?
     A lightning arrester, also known as a surge diverter, is a device that is used to protect electrical equipment at substations from high voltage traveling waves. Lightning arresters are installed in parallel with the equipment to be protected, and they work by redirecting high voltage surges to the ground, effectively dissipating the excess energy and protecting the equipment from damage. 

     Lightning arresters are designed to allow normal voltage levels to pass through, while diverting abnormal levels to the ground. They are an important component of electrical systems, as they help to prevent damage to the equipment caused by lightning strikes or other electrical surges.

What is a Surge arrester? 
     Surge arrestors, also known as surge protectors, are devices that are used to protect electrical equipment from voltage spikes and surges. Surge arrestors are designed to limit the current and voltage that flows through a circuit, and they are typically installed inside the panel board to protect the insulation, equipment, and machines from transient voltage produced by switching, sparks, load shading, and other electrical faults such as ground faults.

Differences Between Surge Arrester and Lightning Arrester

Lightning Arrester Surge Arrester
The installation of a lightning arrestor can be done outside of the panel board. The installation of surge arrestors can be done within the panel board.
The main function of this arrester is to protect the apparatus from the outer surface. The main function of this arrester is to protect the apparatus from inside
This arrester is mostly used for lightning strikes as well a linked surge. This arrester defends the system from switching, lightning, surges, transients voltage & electrical faults.
This kind of arrester redirects the flow of current to the ground throughout the arrester device to the ground. This kind of arrester interrupts the surges and transmits surplus energy toward the ground wire.
The types of lightning arresters are rod, sphere, horn, multi-gap, electrolyte, and metal oxide. The types of surge arrestors are distribution, low-voltage, station, DC, neutral protection, fiber tube, signal, network, etc.
This arrester cannot be used as a surge arrestor This arrester can be used as a surge arrester.

Key differences Between Surge Arrester and Lightning Arrester
  1. The installation of a lightning arrestor can be done outside of the panel board. The installation of surge arrestors can be done within the panel board.
  2. The main function of this arrester is to protect the apparatus from the outer surface. The main function of this arrester is to protect the apparatus from inside
  3. This arrester is mostly used for lightning strikes as well a linked surge. This arrester defends the system from switching, lightning, surges, transients voltage & electrical faults.
  4. This kind of arrester redirects the flow of current to the ground throughout the arrester device to the ground. This kind of arrester interrupts the surges and transmits surplus energy toward the ground wire.
  5. The types of lightning arresters are rod, sphere, horn, multi-gap, electrolyte, and metal oxide. The types of surge arrestors are distribution, low-voltage, station, DC, neutral protection, fiber tube, signal, network, etc.
  6. This arrester cannot be used as a surge arrestor. This arrester can be used as a surge arrester. 
  7. Surge arrestors and lightning arrestors are both devices that protect electrical systems and appliances from surges and transient voltage, such as those caused by lightning strikes.
  8. Surge arrestors are installed within the main panel board inside a home or business, while lightning arrestors are installed outside, usually on the panel board.
  9. Surge arrestors work by interrupting the surge and diverting the excess energy to the ground through a ground wire. Lightning arrestors work by redirecting the flow of electricity to the ground directly through the arrestor device.
  10. There are various types of both surge and lightning arrestors, including low-voltage, distribution, neutral protection, fiber tube, network, signal, direct current, stations, metal oxide, electrolyte, multi gap, horn, sphere, and rod.
  11. Both surge and lightning arrestors can be used to protect against surges, switching lightning, electrical faults, and transient voltage.
  12. the main difference between surge suppressors and surge arrestors is that surge suppressors are designed to protect against smaller surges and are typically used in household and office settings, while surge arrestors are designed to protect against larger surges and are typically installed at the main panel board or service entrance of a building.

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