20 Types of Electric Circuits

Types of Electrical circuit
  1. Series circuit
  2. Parallel circuit
  3. Complex circuit
  4. DC Circuit
  5. AC Circuit
  6. Open Circuit
  7. Closed Circuit
  8. Short Circuit
  9. Series Combinations of resistance
  10. Series Parallel combination of resistance 
  11. Parallel combination of resistance 
  12. Series combination of capacitor
  13. Parallel combination of capacitor 
  14. Series parallel combination Capacitor 
  15. Series combinations of Inductor 
  16. Parallel combination of Inductor 
  17. Series parallel combination of Inductor 
  18. Series Combination of Battery 
  19. Parallel combination of Battery 
  20. Series parallel combination of Battery

Series circuit
     A series circuit is an electrical circuit in which the components are connected in a series, meaning that the current flows through one component and then continues on to the next component in the circuit.

    In a series circuit, the current is the same at all points in the circuit. This is because the total resistance of the circuit is equal to the sum of the individual resistances of the components in the circuit. As a result, the current is limited by the component with the highest resistance, and all of the components in the circuit will experience the same current.

     If any part of the circuit is broken or disconnected, the entire circuit will not work because the current will not have a continuous path to flow through.

     Series circuits are often used in simple electrical systems where it is not necessary to have multiple paths for the current to flow. For example, a string of Christmas lights is typically connected in of a series circuits.

Parallel Circuit
     A parallel circuit is an electrical circuit in which the components are connected in parallel, meaning that there are multiple paths for the current to flow through.

     In a parallel circuit, the current can split into multiple paths and flow through each component simultaneously. This means that each component in the circuit has its own separate current path.

     Unlike in a series circuit, if one component in a parallel circuit fails or is disconnected, the other components will still be able to function because they have their own separate current path. This makes parallel circuits more reliable and less prone to failure than series circuits.

     Parallel circuits are often used in systems where it is necessary to have multiple paths for the current to flow, such as in lighting and electrical outlet circuits in buildings. In these types of systems, it is important to have a backup path for the current to flow through in case one component fails or is disconnected.

Complex circuit
     A complex circuit is an electrical circuit that is a combination of series and parallel circuits. It can have both series and parallel components, making it more versatile and adaptable.

     In a complex circuit, the current can flow through both series and parallel paths, depending on the design of the circuit. This allows for more flexibility and the ability to customize the circuit to meet specific needs.

     Complex circuits are often used in more advanced electrical systems where it is necessary to have a combination of series and parallel components. For example, a complex circuit may be used in a computer system to provide power to different components, such as the processor, memory, and hard drive.

    Designing and analyzing complex circuits can be challenging, as the current flow and the behavior of the circuit can be affected by both the series and parallel components. It is important to have a thorough understanding of both series and parallel circuits in order to design and analyze complex circuits effectively.

DC circuit
     A DC (direct current) circuit is an electrical circuit that uses direct current, which flows in only one direction. Direct current is a type of electrical current that flows consistently in a single direction, as opposed to alternating current, which periodically changes direction.

    DC circuits are often used in electronic devices such as computers, cellphones, and other portable electronic devices. They are also used in some industrial and automotive applications.

     In a DC circuit, the voltage and current are constant and do not vary over time. This makes DC circuits well suited for powering devices that require a constant and stable power supply, such as electronic components and motors.

     DC circuits can be either simple or complex, depending on the design of the circuit and the number and type of components used. It is important to understand the principles of DC circuits in order to design and analyze them effectively.

AC Circuit 
     An AC (alternating current) circuit is an electrical circuit that uses alternating current, which periodically changes direction. Alternating current is a type of electrical current that periodically changes direction, as opposed to direct current, which flows consistently in a single direction.

     AC circuits are often used to power homes and buildings, as well as in some industrial and commercial applications. The electricity that is delivered to homes and buildings is typically AC because it is easier to transmit over long distances than DC (direct current).

    In an AC circuit, the voltage and current periodically change over time, following a sine wave pattern. The frequency of the AC voltage, which is measured in hertz (Hz), determines the number of cycles that the voltage and current go through in a second. In the United States, the standard AC frequency is 60 Hz.

     AC circuits can be either simple or complex, depending on the design of the circuit and the number and type of components used. It is important to understand the principles of AC circuits in order to design and analyze them effectively.

Open Circuit
     An open circuit is an electrical circuit that is not complete, meaning that it is not able to conduct electricity. An open circuit can occur if there is a break in the circuit, such as a cut wire or a damaged component, or if there is an open switch.

     In an open circuit, there is no continuous path for the electricity to flow through, so no current will flow through the circuit. This can be observed by using a voltage tester or multimeter, which will show no voltage or current present in the circuit.

     Open circuits can be caused by a variety of factors, including physical damage to the circuit, loose connections, or faulty components. It is important to identify and repair open circuits in order to ensure the safe and reliable operation of electrical systems.

Closed circuit 
     A closed circuit is an electrical circuit that is complete and able to conduct electricity. This means that there is a continuous path for the electricity to flow through the circuit.

     In a closed circuit, the current is able to flow through the circuit and power the components connected to the circuit. This can be observed by using a voltage tester or multimeter, which will show voltage or current present in the circuit.

     Closed circuits are necessary for the proper functioning of electrical systems. It is important to ensure that circuits are properly closed and that all connections are secure in order to avoid electrical hazards and ensure the safe and reliable operation of the system.

Short circuit
     A short circuit is an electrical circuit that has a low resistance path between two points, resulting in a high current flow. Short circuits can be caused by a variety of factors, including damaged or frayed wires, loose connections, or faulty components.

     In a short circuit, the high current flow can cause the circuit to become overloaded and potentially damage the components connected to the circuit or cause a fire. Short circuits can also present a safety hazard to people and animals.

    It is important to identify and repair short circuits as soon as possible in order to avoid potential damage and ensure the safe operation of the electrical system. Short circuits can be detected using a voltage tester or multimeter, which will show a higher-than-normal voltage or current in the circuit.

Series Combination of Resistances
     In an electrical circuit, the total resistance of a series combination of resistances is equal to the sum of the individual resistances. This is because the current flows through each resistance in the circuit in series, meaning that it flows through one resistance and then continues on to the next.

     For example, if you have three resistors connected in series with values of 5 ohms, 10 ohms, and 15 ohms, the total resistance of the circuit would be 5 + 10 + 15 = 30 ohms.

     The total resistance of a series circuit is important because it determines the total amount of current that will flow through the circuit. The total resistance of the circuit is equal to the sum of the individual resistances, so if the total resistance is high, the current will be low, and if the total resistance is low, the current will be high.

     It is important to understand the concept of series combination of resistances in order to design and analyze electrical circuits effectively.

Series parallel combination of resistance 
     In an electrical circuit, a series-parallel combination of resistances is a circuit that has both series and parallel components. This type of circuit can be more complex than a simple series or parallel circuit because the current can flow through both series and parallel paths, depending on the design of the circuit.

    To calculate the total resistance of a series-parallel combination of resistances, you will need to first calculate the total resistance of the parallel components and then add the resistance of the series components.

     For example, if you have two resistors connected in parallel with values of 10 ohms and 15 ohms, and a third resistor connected in series with a value of 5 ohms, the total resistance of the circuit would be:

(10 ohms * 15 ohms) / (10 ohms + 15 ohms) + 5 ohms = 6.25 ohms + 5 ohms = 11.25 ohms

     Calculating the total resistance of a series-parallel combination of resistances can be complex and may require the use of more advanced math and electrical principles. It is important to understand these principles in order to design and analyze series-parallel circuits effectively.

Parallel combination of resistance
     In an electrical circuit, the total resistance of a parallel combination of resistances is equal to the reciprocal of the sum of the reciprocals of the individual resistances. This is because the current is divided into multiple paths and flows through each resistance in parallel, meaning that it flows through all of the resistances simultaneously.

To calculate the total resistance of a parallel combination of resistances, you can use the following formula:

1 / RT = 1 / R1 + 1 / R2 + 1 / R3 + ...

Where RT is the total resistance of the circuit, and R1, R2, R3, etc. are the individual resistances in the circuit.

      For example, if you have two resistors connected in parallel with values of 10 ohms and 15 ohms, the total resistance of the circuit would be:

1 / RT = 1 / 10 ohms + 1 / 15 ohms
RT = (10 ohms * 15 ohms) / (10 ohms + 15 ohms) = 6.25 ohms

      The total resistance of a parallel circuit is important because it determines the total amount of current that will flow through the circuit. The total resistance of the circuit is inversely proportional to the total current, so if the total resistance is high, the current will be low, and if the total resistance is low, the current will be high.

     It is important to understand the concept of parallel combinations of resistances in order to design and analyze electrical circuits effectively.

Series Combination of capacitor
     When capacitors are connected in series, the total capacitance is less than the smallest individual capacitor in the series. This is because the capacitance of a capacitor is inversely proportional to the distance between the plates. When the capacitors are connected in series, the distance between the plates is increased, which decreases the overall capacitance.

To calculate the total capacitance of a series combination of capacitors, you can use the following formula:

1/CT = 1/C1 + 1/C2 + 1/C3 + ...

where CT is the total capacitance, C1, C2, C3, etc. are the individual capacitances of the capacitors in the series.

For example, if you have three capacitors with values of 10 microfarads, 20 microfarads, and 30 microfarads connected in series, the total capacitance would be:

1/CT = 1/10 + 1/20 + 1/30
CT = (1/10 + 1/20 + 1/30)^-1
CT = 6.67 microfarads

     It's important to note that the voltage across each capacitor in a series combination is the same, but the current flowing through each capacitor will be different. The current flowing through each capacitor is proportional to its capacitance, so the capacitor with the smallest capacitance will have the highest current flowing through it.

Parallel combination of capacitor
     When capacitors are connected in parallel, the total capacitance is equal to the sum of the individual capacitances. This is because the plates of the capacitors are connected to the same voltage source, so the distance between the plates is not increased.

To calculate the total capacitance of a parallel combination of capacitors, you can use the following formula:

CT = C1 + C2 + C3 + ...

where CT is the total capacitance, C1, C2, C3, etc. are the individual capacitances of the capacitors in the parallel combination.

For example, if you have three capacitors with values of 10 microfarads, 20 microfarads, and 30 microfarads connected in parallel, the total capacitance would be:

CT = 10 + 20 + 30
CT = 60 microfarads

     It's important to note that the current flowing through each capacitor in a parallel combination is the same, but the voltage across each capacitor will be different. The voltage across each capacitor is proportional to its capacitance, so the capacitor with the largest capacitance will have the highest voltage across it.

Series parallel combination of capacitor
     A series-parallel combination of capacitors is a circuit configuration in which some of the capacitors are connected in series and some are connected in parallel.

To calculate the total capacitance of a series-parallel combination of capacitors, you can follow these steps:

Calculate the total capacitance of the series combinations:
For each group of capacitors that are connected in series, use the formula for calculating the total capacitance of a series combination:
1/CT = 1/C1 + 1/C2 + 1/C3 + ...

where CT is the total capacitance of the series combination, and C1, C2, C3, etc. are the individual capacitances of the capacitors in the series.

Calculate the total capacitance of the parallel combinations:
For each group of capacitors that are connected in parallel, use the formula for calculating the total capacitance of a parallel combination:
CT = C1 + C2 + C3 + ...

where CT is the total capacitance of the parallel combination, and C1, C2, C3, etc. are the individual capacitances of the capacitors in the parallel combination.

Calculate the total capacitance of the series-parallel combination:
Once you have calculated the total capacitance of all the series and parallel combinations, you can use the formula for calculating the total capacitance of a series combination to find the total capacitance of the series-parallel combination:
1/CT = 1/CT1 + 1/CT2 + 1/CT3 + ...

where CT is the total capacitance of the series-parallel combination, and CT1, CT2, CT3, etc. are the total capacitances of the series and parallel combinations.

     It's important to note that the voltage across each capacitor in a series-parallel combination will depend on its location in the circuit and its capacitance. The current flowing through each capacitor will also depend on its location in the circuit and its capacitance

Series Combination of the inductor

    When two or more inductors are connected in series, the total inductance of the circuit is equal to the sum of the individual inductances. This can be expressed mathematically as:

Total inductance (L) = L1 + L2 + L3 + ...

For example, if you have two inductors with values of 10 mH and 20 mH connected in series, the total inductance of the circuit would be 30 mH.

      The relationship between the total inductance and the individual inductances in a series circuit is similar to the relationship between the total resistance and the individual resistances in a parallel circuit. Just as the total resistance in a parallel circuit is equal to the reciprocal of the sum of the reciprocals of the individual resistances, the total inductance in a series circuit is equal to the sum of the individual inductances.

     It's important to note that the total inductance of a series circuit is not simply the average of the individual inductances. The value of the total inductance depends on the values of the individual inductances and the way they are connected in the circuit.

Parallel combination of inductor

       When two or more inductors are connected in parallel, the total inductance of the circuit is equal to the reciprocal of the sum of the reciprocals of the individual inductances. This can be expressed mathematically as:

1 / Total inductance (L) = 1 / L1 + 1 / L2 + 1 / L3 + ...

For example, if you have two inductors with values of 10 mH and 20 mH connected in parallel, the total inductance of the circuit would be 6.67 mH.

     The relationship between the total inductance and the individual inductances in a parallel circuit is similar to the relationship between the total resistance and the individual resistances in a series circuit. Just as the total resistance in a series circuit is equal to the sum of the individual resistances, the total inductance in a parallel circuit is equal to the reciprocal of the sum of the reciprocals of the individual inductances.

      It's important to note that the total inductance of a parallel circuit is not simply the average of the individual inductances. The value of the total inductance depends on the values of the individual inductances and the way they are connected in the circuit.

Series- parallel Combination of inductor
     A series-parallel combination of inductors is a circuit that includes both series and parallel connections of inductors. The total inductance of the circuit can be calculated by first determining the equivalent inductance of the series and parallel sections of the circuit, and then combining those values using the formulas for series and parallel inductors.

For example, consider a circuit with three inductors connected as shown below:

Inductor 1 -- Inductor 2 -- Inductor 3
Inductor 4

     In this circuit, inductors 1 and 2 are connected in series, and this series combination is connected in parallel with inductor 3 and inductor 4. To calculate the total inductance of the circuit, you would first need to determine the equivalent inductance of the series combination of inductors 1 and 2, and then determine the equivalent inductance of the parallel combination of that series combination and inductors 3 and 4.

To determine the equivalent inductance of the series combination of inductors 1 and 2, you would use the formula for series inductors:

L1 + L2 = L12

To determine the equivalent inductance of the parallel combination of the series combination of inductors 1 and 2 and inductors 3 and 4, you would use the formula for parallel inductors:

1 / L34 = 1 / L3 + 1 / L4

Then, to determine the total inductance of the circuit, you would use the formula for series inductors again to combine the equivalent inductances of the series and parallel sections:

L12 + L34 = L

     It's important to note that the total inductance of a series-parallel circuit can be difficult to calculate, especially if the circuit is complex and has many inductors connected in both series and parallel. In such cases, it may be necessary to use a combination of the formulas for series and parallel inductors to determine the total inductance of the circuit.

Series Combination of battery

     When two or more batteries are connected in series, the total voltage of the circuit is equal to the sum of the individual voltage ratings of the batteries. This can be expressed mathematically as:

Total voltage (V) = V1 + V2 + V3 + ...

For example, if you have two batteries with voltage ratings of 6 volts and 9 volts connected in series, the total voltage of the circuit would be 15 volts.

      The relationship between the total voltage and the individual voltage ratings of the batteries in a series circuit is similar to the relationship between the total resistance and the individual resistances in a parallel circuit. Just as the total resistance in a parallel circuit is equal to the reciprocal of the sum of the reciprocals of the individual resistances, the total voltage in a series circuit is equal to the sum of the individual voltage ratings.

     It's important to note that the total voltage of a series circuit is not simply the average of the individual voltage ratings. The value of the total voltage depends on the values of the individual voltage ratings and the way they are connected in the circuit.

      In a series circuit, the current flowing through each battery is the same. However, the amount of charge that is used by each battery will depend on its voltage rating and the resistance of the circuit. Batteries with higher voltage ratings will tend to discharge more quickly than batteries with lower voltage ratings, because they will deliver more energy to the circuit per unit of time. 

Parallel combination of battery
     When two or more batteries are connected in parallel, the total voltage of the circuit is equal to the voltage rating of each individual battery. This is because the voltage across each battery is the same in a parallel circuit.

     However, the total current capacity of the circuit is equal to the sum of the individual current capacities of the batteries. This can be expressed mathematically as:

Total current capacity (I) = I1 + I2 + I3 + ...

For example, if you have two batteries with current capacities of 2 amperes and 3 amperes connected in parallel, the total current capacity of the circuit would be 5 amperes.

     The relationship between the total current capacity and the individual current capacities of the batteries in a parallel circuit is similar to the relationship between the total resistance and the individual resistances in a series circuit. Just as the total resistance in a series circuit is equal to the sum of the individual resistances, the total current capacity in a parallel circuit is equal to the sum of the individual current capacities.

     It's important to note that the total current capacity of a parallel circuit is not simply the average of the individual current capacities. The value of the total current capacity depends on the values of the individual current capacities and the way they are connected in the circuit.

     In a parallel circuit, the voltage across each battery is the same. However, the amount of current drawn by each battery will depend on its current capacity and the resistance of the circuit. Batteries with higher current capacities will tend to discharge more slowly than batteries with lower current capacities, because they are able to deliver more charge to the circuit per unit of time.

Series parallel combination of battery
     A series-parallel combination of batteries is a circuit that includes both series and parallel connections of batteries. The total voltage and total current capacity of the circuit can be calculated by first determining the equivalent voltage and equivalent current capacity of the series and parallel sections of the circuit, and then combining those values using the formulas for series and parallel batteries.

For example, consider a circuit with four batteries connected as shown below:

Battery 1 -- Battery 2
Battery 3 -- Battery 4

     In this circuit, batteries 1 and 2 are connected in series, and this series combination is connected in parallel with batteries 3 and 4. To calculate the total voltage and total current capacity of the circuit, you would first need to determine the equivalent voltage and equivalent current capacity of the series combination of batteries 1 and 2, and then determine the equivalent voltage and equivalent current capacity of the parallel combination of that series combination and batteries 3 and 4.

To determine the equivalent voltage of the series combination of batteries 1 and 2, you would use the formula for series batteries:

V1 + V2 = V12

To determine the equivalent current capacity of the series combination of batteries 1 and 2, you would use the formula for parallel batteries:

I1 + I2 = I12

To determine the equivalent voltage of the parallel combination of the series combination of batteries 1 and 2 and batteries 3 and 4, you would use the formula for parallel batteries again:

V34 = V3 = V4

To determine the equivalent current capacity of the parallel combination of the series combination of batteries 1 and 2 and batteries 3 and 4, you would use the formula for series batteries:

I34 = I3 + I4

Then, to determine the total voltage and total current capacity of the circuit, you would use the formulas for series and parallel batteries again to combine the equivalent values of the series and parallel sections:

V12 + V34 = V
I12 + I34 = I

     It's important to note that the total voltage and total current capacity of a series-parallel circuit can be difficult to calculate, especially if the circuit is complex and has many batteries connected in both series and parallel. In such cases, it may be necessary to use a combination of the formulas for series and parallel batteries to determine the total voltage and total current capacity of the circuit.

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