Why must a circuit be grounded?

A circuit must be grounded for several important reasons:
Safety: Grounding a circuit helps to ensure the safety of people and equipment by providing a path for electrical current to flow to the ground in the event of a fault or short circuit. This can help to prevent electrical shocks and fires.
Overcurrent protection: Grounding a circuit allows overcurrent protection devices, such as fuses and circuit breakers, to function properly. These devices are designed to interrupt the flow of electricity in the event of an overcurrent condition and need a ground connection to do so.
Electromagnetic interference (EMI) reduction: Grounding a circuit can help to reduce electromagnetic interference (EMI), which is unwanted electrical noise that can interfere with the operation of electronic devices.
Proper operation of electrical devices: Some electrical devices, such as motors and appliances, may require a ground connection to function properly.

Overall, grounding a circuit is an important safety measure that helps to protect people, equipment, and the electrical system as a whole. It is important to follow proper grounding practices and use properly rated grounding conductors to ensure the safety and reliability of the electrical system.

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