What is Series Reactor? Where it is used?

       A series reactor is an electrical component that is used to limit the amount of electrical current that flows through a circuit. This is achieved by increasing the impedance of the circuit. The impedance of the circuit is directly proportional to the reactance of the network, which is determined by the inductance of the series reactor.

      One of the key advantages of using a series reactor is that it reduces the magnitude of the fault current. Fault current is the current that flows through a circuit when there is a fault, such as a short circuit. When a fault occurs, the current in the circuit can increase dramatically, which can damage the electrical equipment and cause a safety hazard. By reducing the magnitude of the fault current, the series reactor helps to protect the electrical equipment and prevent safety hazards.

       Another advantage of using a series reactor is that it can be used to limit the current flowing through low MVA rating circuit breakers. Circuit breakers are electrical switches that are used to protect electrical circuits from damage due to overcurrent, short circuits, and other faults. Low MVA rating circuit breakers are designed to handle lower levels of current, and can be damaged if the current exceeds their rated capacity. By limiting the current flowing through these circuit breakers, the series reactor helps to protect them from damage.

      Series reactors are also used as current limiting reactors to increase the impedance of a system. This helps to reduce the amount of electrical current that flows through the circuit, which can help to protect the electrical equipment and prevent safety hazards.

       In addition, series reactors are used to limit the starting currents of synchronous electric motors. Synchronous motors are used in many industrial applications, and they can draw a large amount of current when they are started up. This can cause voltage drops in the electrical system, which can damage other electrical equipment. By limiting the starting current of the synchronous motor, the series reactor helps to prevent these voltage drops and protect the electrical equipment.

       Finally, series reactors are used to compensate reactive power in order to improve the transmission capacity of power lines. Reactive power is the power that is consumed by electrical equipment that has inductive or capacitive loads, such as motors, transformers, and capacitors. Reactive power does not perform useful work, but it can cause voltage drops in the electrical system and reduce the transmission capacity of power lines. By compensating reactive power, the series reactor helps to improve the transmission capacity of the power lines and reduce voltage drops.

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